You’ll notice in today’s recent posts about the July Hope Mail and our Free Shipping promotion (on all orders through July 4th) both going LIVE a day early, a graphic was provided you can also find in your Dashboard Toolbox.

To keep things as simple as possible, we will be using your Dashboard as the central hub where you can find EVERYTHING you’ll need to run your purposeful business smoothly + efficiently.

With that in mind, we will be no longer publishing Hope Central pages for product releases, since the information is also found easily on the website. As we enter this new era, you’ll be able to find any promotional graphics in your Toolbox in the “Graphics and Videos” folder. For all product launches, including chapter releases, product details, product and Artisan information, as well as all related images, can be pulled from the website.

We will still publish Hope Central pages for any Sales + Promotions that may have other partner-related information you’ll need, as added to my post about the Free Shipping promotion.

Be on the lookout for your graphics for July’s chapter launch to be added to the toolbox by 5pm today for you to prepare your posts ahead of tomorrow’s launch at 10am!

As we continue to grow, we will do our best to keep you informed of any changes as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience today as things shifted a day sooner than expected and we’re all doing our best to answer your questions, DMs, tags, etc.

Please feel free to reach out to Customer Care as well for anything requiring immediate assistance.