There are many different styles of coaching, so find one that works for you! Also keep in mind, each person on your team is different and may need a different style of coaching than the next person.

We recommend using the GROW Coaching method. This method is easy to follow, using a series of questions to guide your conversation towards effective coaching.

KEEP IN MIND: The guide below is just that: a guide. You do not need to follow it exactly, or ask every question on this list. This is simply an outline you can follow to spark ideas on what to ask during a coaching call.





GOALS: What do they want from this journey?

  • How much money does she want to earn through Trades of Hope
  • What impact does she want to make on the Artisans/Gifts of Hope?
  • What would she like to gain from this coaching call?
  • What incentives is she working towards?
  • How many parties does she want to book this month?
  • How many Partners & Affiliates does she want to enroll this month?

REALITY: What is actually happening?

  • Ask about her schedule- how many parties does she have booked this month? What does a typical day look like for her, and how is she fitting in Trades of Hope?
  • How does she feel about the parties she had had recently? What has gone right, and what would she do differently?
  • Has she been booking parties from those parties? How has she been asking, and what would she change about that?
  • How is she bringing up Sponsoring in conversations? Would she like to role play that with you?
  • How is she talking about Trades of Hope outside of parties?
  • Is her Trades of Hope business going the way she wants it to go, and if not, ask her to describe how she envisions it.

OPTIONS: What can she do to achieve her goals?

  • What ideas does she have to push her towards achieving her goals?
  • What ideas has she thought of but has not tried yet?
  • Let’s think about some options she could try (brainstorm together).
  • Ask if she would like to hear what has worked for you.

WHAT: What will she do now?

  • These are things you can ask her to end the call:
  • What did we talk about today that stood out to you the most?
  • What 3 tasks can you do this week to move forward with your goals?
  • What is something new you will try this week?
  • How can I support you this week?
  • How can I hold you accountable this week?


5 Steps to a Successful Coaching Call:

  1. PREPARE: Check your Team Center or Downline Report to see the progress of the Partner or Affiliate you’ll be talking to.
  2. OPEN: Begin the call using the GROW conversation guide. Open the call by recognizing any achievements or accomplishments you’ve noticed. (sales, sponsoring, incentives, etc.) Talk to her about the purpose of the call, and ask her what she is looking forward to getting from this time together.
  3. COACH & COMMIT: Identify and hang ups she may be having that are holding her back. Create conversation following the GROW suggestions. Ask her if she is committed to her goals (Susan, how committed are you to promoting to ACE by next month?)
  4. WRAP IT UP: End on a positive encouraging note! Let her know she CAN do this. Ask her some questions:
  • Was this call helpful today?
  • What was your top takeaway from this call?
  • What is one thing you will do in the next 24 hours?
  • How can you support your team to help them with their goals?

      5. FOLLOW-UP: Keep notes on the call with her and check on her progress. Be            sure to reach out with encouragement when you see she is taking steps                      towards the plan you worked on together.