The Sunset Seashell Necklace

The Sunset Seashell Necklace

Embrace the beauty of summer’s golden hour along a dreamy shoreline with our new Sunset Seashell Necklace! Artisans like Sarina, in India, use their skills to create designs that help them make their dreams of providing a good education for their children a...
Product Status Update: 6/17/24

Product Status Update: 6/17/24

No inventory changes to report today. Here’s where I’ll remind you to look in Hope Central for our overview of all products currently on Low Inventory, Unavailable, or Sold Out / Retired, but you don’t have to bookmark this page if you haven’t...
Why Sponsor in June?

Why Sponsor in June?

If you missed it in your Partner Facebook group this morning, Mentor Susan Johnston went live to encourage all Partners to continue sharing the opportunity to join Trades of Hope, giving examples of wording to use now that we’re transitioning into a more...

 Your JULY Prelude Product is LIVE!!!

The search is over, your new favorite bag has arrived!  The Sandstone Crossbody, our newest genuine leather bag from India was first leaked to Partners on the Founders’ Monday Wake Up Call on June 3rd. The anticipation has been building ever since!  This...