Originally introduced in a gold version back in March, your customers thought they were so sweet! 

Now capture those who lean towards #TeamSilver with this new silver-tone version! 

PRO TIP: Makes a perfect suggestion to pair with the Fighting Hunger – Silver Giving Necklace! 


These adorable, dainty silver-tone Bumblebee Studs represent our tiny but mighty pollinator friends. Through your purchase, women in East Asia are leaving brothels, receiving an education, and earning a dignified wage creating beautiful jewelry. Every purchase creates jobs to support sex-trafficking survivors in East Asia with safe housing, health care, trauma counseling, job skills training, and dignified income.    

Every earring has variations as a part of the Artisan-made charm!     

Product Details    

  • Approx. Measurements: 1/4″   
  • Materials: Silver-plated stainless steel 
  • Color: Silver 
  • Retail Price: $19.95
  • SKU: JESP1985s


The Impact of Your Purchase    

In East Asia, poverty encourages sexual exploitation of women in brothels. These women want to provide for their families but have few options. Your purchase helps provide human trafficking survivors with holistic care, dignified income, and hope.


Meet the Artisan: Lulu’s Story of Hope

I was born into a poor family and for as long as I can remember, my father did not have a job. He drank a lot, gambled, and was frequently in and out of jail. My family valued boys more than girls. I was beaten by my father and when I was 12, my own brothers raped me. They said they would kill me if I told anyone, so I didn’t. I thought it wouldn’t happen again, but it did, and each time I fought back, they would beat me. Eventually, I told my parents but my dad said it was my fault and said I tempted my brothers. My parents ended up getting a divorce and I wanted to leave my family. When I was in middle school, I met a man that I thought treated me well but he trafficked me to another city. I ran away and met another man who I thought was my boyfriend, however, he also trafficked me into a massage parlor. Three years later, I met the members of the Community Services teams at this Artisan Community. I joined the production team and am now the Finished Product Inventory Manager at our branch. I have studied computers here and have recently become a Microsoft Office Specialist Master. I have also started taking typing classes because my dream is to become a stenographer someday.

After coming to this Artisan Communities, one of my brothers died in a car accident, and although he had hurt me, I was really sad about his death. At that point, I started working on forgiving my family and increased the time that I went to visit them throughout the year. My relationship with my family is still difficult, but I know that the Individual Growth Plan I have made with the Holistic Care Manager will help me as I pursue forgiveness and develop relationships with my family.

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