Product Status Update: 7/27/23

Product Status Update: 7/27/23

Happy Thursday, all!  Please take a moment to review the week’s most recent inventory updates, keeping in mind some info listed may have been announced earlier this week.  New to Available/Back in Stock: Atitlan Kimono Emily Earrings Silver Mia Hoops...
Spotlight on Survivors’ Healing

Spotlight on Survivors’ Healing

You’ve heard teammates share dozens of personal, heartfelt, inspiring stories over the past 8 weeks throughout our Summer of Justice. Don’t let their brave vulnerability be shared in vain: Let their experiences and triumphs motivate you! As you work...
The Guatemala Diaries continue

The Guatemala Diaries continue

Let’s keep going as we hear from your teammates, Christine Coots, Diane Wilson, and Treska Riley as they prepare to head to visit our Artisan partners and experience their culture! We cannot wait to hear all about your trip when you return...