“Let’s Talk” Tuesday

“Let’s Talk” Tuesday

Yesterday, as Melanie Edwards Sunukjian led our Wake Up Call, she mentioned something she loved about our Sisterhood (and this goes for the Bros, too!) — “We’re not competitive. We’re collaborative!” To that end, JOIN the...
Product Update: 7/24/23

Product Update: 7/24/23

Happy Monday, all! Only a few pieces of news to report today, but you’re going to love them: The Atitlan Kimono is back in stock + available now! The Emily Earrings are also back in stock, and More Reflections Earrings arrived, so...

Monday Wake-Up Call Replay: 7/24/23

In this week’s Wake Up Call this morning, Melanie Sunukjian shared her heart and encouraged us to stand up for SURVIVORS and GROW our PARTNERHOOD as much as the scourge of Human Trafficking is growing! We need to combat this evil!!! If you missed this call about...