Every month you get a fresh opportunity to earn early, discounted access to the upcoming month’s collection of Hope Mail!

When you sell 300 QV before midnight Pacific on the 15th of each month, not only are you rewarded by getting a $15 discount on next month’s offering, but you can be the first to wear + share it.

Reaching that all-important 300 QV also means (1) you’ve qualified to be on the upcoming month’s Artisan Call, and (for Partners and qualified Partners) this means you’re almost at that $325 this month to help us bring on new Artisans in March! KEEP GOING and you’ll help us chip away at our bigger goal of creating work for 1400 new Artisans in 2024!!!

Did you get March Hope Mail before it sold out? Reach your DB15 goal and don’t take your chances on missing April’s offering!!!