Trades of Hope introduced its partnership with Elevate Academy in 2021. Since we began offering up to 5 days’ worth of training to trafficking survivors at Elevate through your Advocates’ (Hostesses’) qualifying PopUps, you’ve been a part of over 11,000 days worth of healing for Survivors!!

We LOVE celebrating these numbers weekly, so continue to share this opportunity to give back through PopUps! You can find more info here:

Also, in January we partnered with Rebecca Bender again when we introduced the Elevate Necklace, which donates $10 from every necklace to Elevate Academy!

Made by trafficking survivors like YuYu in E. Asia, the Elevate Necklace features a jasper stone, filled with meaning and symbolism, framed in beautiful 14k gold plated stainless steel.

Details + downloads for this beautiful giving necklace can be found here: