Your PopUps can have an added layer of impact while potentially attracting more customers … who can become potential hostesses or Partners!
In case you didn’t know: You have the opportunity to team up with Trades of Hope to do even MORE good through the option of Fundraiser parties (PopUps).
  • Trades of Hope will donate 10% of the Qualifying Party Total to the 501(c)(3) organization or cause of your Hostess’ choice.
  • You, as the Partner, will also donate a minimum of 10% of your qualifying party total, making your hostess fundraiser giveback at least 20% of her Qualifying Party Total!
We encourage you to carefully read through the details in Hope Central, then visit the new training page under Party Tools:
We LOVE hearing your Cause for Celebration Fundraiser stories! If you have one, share it in the comments to inspire your teammates to think outside the box, using Fashion As a Force for (even more) Good! πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—