Today, we are celebrating Erin Woods for a HUGE and HISTORIC milestone! She is the first partner in Trades of Hope history to reach $500,000 in life-changing sales of our Artisan Partners’ products!

Erin has the BIGGEST heart for others and for helping other women win. If you’ve had the pleasure of speaking with her, you will have no doubt left the conversation emboldened and equipped towards your definition of success. While she blazes trails to spread hope around the world, she actively pours into other women and Partners to be all they can be as well. She is one of the most giving, heartfelt, and generous people you will ever meet. Her heart is reflected in this AWE-INSPIRING milestone she has reached. Gretchen and I are grateful every day for the moment Erin decided to become a Partner 10 years ago, and we are so grateful for the MYRIAD of you who said “yes” because of her. My hope is that you are inspired and motivated and see what’s possible for you with the records Erin has broken. There is no limit. There is no “normal.” We’re just a movement of passionate women accomplishing what some would say is impossible. Erin’s celebration is another reminder of what we can accomplish through this movement!

Erin, THANK YOU and congratulations on reaching HALF A MILLION DOLLARS in your lifetime sales. You are an irrevocable part of the DNA at Trades of Hope. Thank you for the impact you have made for COUNTLESS women around the world. We tried to quantify it in a video, but there truly is no way to fully encompass ALL the ways you have made this world and company a better place. We love you!!!

If you missed Founder Elisabeth’s live video this afternoon, watch the replay for some encouragement as you, too, strive to reach your goals like Erin!