Plan to join us via ZOOM this upcoming Monday morning, April 29th @ 11am EST for our weekly training session. You’ll want to be there to hear from Erika Person Werner, who’ll be speaking on the very important topic, The Art of Pivoting!

We’d love for everyone who can to join us on Zoom, as the call will not be streamed live into FB. All attendees will be watching as webinar viewers only, meaning you will not be shown ‘on screen,’ but you will be able to watch live AND interact with your fellow viewers through real-time commenting in the chat, which is really where all the fun happens!

As always, the recording will still be uploaded and shared later Monday afternoon for access to the call replay if you can’t join at 11am.

Save this zoom link for weekly calls!

Invite a teammate to join you for this live call, or to catch the replay if unavailable at that time.