With our Chapter 10 launch happening on Monday, October 2nd at Noon EST, we usher in ALL the Holiday goodness! 

NOW is the time to invite others to be sharing October Advocate Links next month, and ask have those Advocates ask their friends + family to those early Pop Up Holiday events! 

BONUS: They may receive Advocate Rewards (in the form of shopping credits and up to four items at a 50% discount) as a “thank you” for introducing Partners to new customers, for their qualifying Advocate links + Pop Ups.

On top of that, Links can also donate days of healing to survivors of human trafficking through Elevate Academy,  providing support so they can rebuild their lives. The more that’s shopped in a pop-up, the more days Partners and Advocates sponsor for a survivor in the program.

REMINDER: All Pop-ups must have 3 orders to qualify for rewards, donations or givebacks!

Fashion as a Force For Good