❤️‍🩹 Never Forget 🙏

It’s been 22 years today since the terrorist attacks that changed everything. While it is a day for many of us who will remember watching the events unfold before our eyes that fateful morning, an entire generation of adults were not alive then, only to read about it in history books.

One thing the books cannot teach is the overwhelming sense of UNITY our country felt in the days following September 11th, when we were reminded we’re all on the same team … Every one of us, in this life together, no matter our differences.

In a time that feels like there is more division than ever, let us remember just that: We are all in this life together, on the same team. Moreover, let’s RISE ABOVE the division and hatred that exists and causes so much pain. Let’s make the effort, put aside our differences and show one another LOVE.

One thing I do know, is that God is never surprised and He is the master of taking a hopeless situation and using it for good. None of the acts 22 years ago or even yesterday are beyond his control. May we be his vessels to spread hope to our friends, families, and artisans around the world!

“Perhaps you were born for such a time as this.”

Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who sacrificed, those who lost loved ones, and those whose lives were impacted forever that morning. 🙏

*Feel free to use these graphic in your VIP Groups, and let’s continue to spread hope and light in a dark world. ❤️🌎

Fashion as a Force For Good