As a reminder, we announced at Blossom our February challenge to SHARE THE LOVE, but it’s not just for Blossom attendees, as Founder Elisabeth shared this post below to all Partners on February 1st: 

January showed us that you are all advocating for our Artisans SO WELL. But to reach our goal of creating jobs for 1,400 more women in 2024, we need MORE Partners in this movement and MORE Partners selling $300 a month. That’s why we’re doing the Share The Love Challenge!

Every day in February, have just ONE conversation with ONE person about being a Partner. (It doesn’t have to be a direct invite, just share what you love about being a Partner and maybe invite them to learn more.) A social media post doesn’t count, but posting on social media MIGHT get you leads of more people to speak with! This challenge is for 1-to-1 conversations, online or in person!

Come to this thread every day to let us know you had a conversation with another person, and everyone who has 20+ conversations in February will be entered to win the WHOLE APRIL LOOKBOOK CHAPTER for FREE! 🐝😉

If everyone who went to Blossom sponsored just ONE PARTNER in February, we would make a HUGE impact for our Artisan Partners! Don’t you LOVE being a Trades of Hope Partner?! It’s time to SHARE THE LOVE! 💞💞💞

Comment on her PINNED POST in your Partner Facebook group if you’ve been talking to one person every day this month for your chance to win April’s ENTIRE CHAPTER free!!