Through our February month-end giveback promotion, your sales allowed 20 Blankets to be delivered last month to the local organization, Project WARM.

For every 10 blankets sold, we donated a blanket to Project Warm, a facility assisting recovering women, many of whom are mothers parenting young children.

Below are photos showing our home team’s own Melissa and Stacie presenting your donation to the program employees for distribution (why yes, that IS Meghan Hope, for those of you who’ve been here a minute).

ABOUT Women Assisting Recovering Mothers (WARM) is a long-term residential treatment facility for women exhibiting symptoms of drug and/or alcohol dependence, and for women who are pregnant or postpartum. This program provides a therapeutic and supportive environment through a broad range of services based upon the client’s individual needs. Women with children under the age of six are able to have their children in residence with them. Children ages six and older are able to visit on weekends.

THANK YOU for all your efforts and all the ways you use Fashion as a Force for Good! 💞💞