Today’s #FRW Prompt! 🍃🌏♻️

As we reach the half-way point of #fashionrevolutionweek, feel free to jump into our daily Style Challenges even if you haven’t before. This week is all about raising awareness, not shaming. If you cannot do a lot, even a little makes a difference.

Saturday we observed Earth Day, but for a better tomorrow we can start by being more kind to our planet, its people and resources EVERY DAY!

🍃🌏♻️ TODAY’S Style Challenge: Recycled or Eco-Friendly Materials (Planet) 🍃🌏♻️

Today we focus on the resources used to produce what we buy, and why it matters.

  • Wear an accessory made with recycled or eco-friendly materials as a vehicle to talk about how harmful the fast fashion industry is to our beloved planet.

  • Share the photo and testimonial of the woman who made it.

  • Share how it feels knowing you work with her as a Trades of Hope Partner.

🍃🌏♻️ If you swapped out and used today’s prompt on Saturday, feel free to use Saturday’s prompt today. Find it here:

Fashion as a Force For Good