We hope you’ve been enjoying taking part in this year’s #fashionrevolutionweek as much as we’ve enjoyed seeing you educate others on how they can use Fashion as a Force for Good! Yesterday we focused on the resources used to produce what we buy, and why it matters.

As we start to wind down our week, it’s our hope you’ve gained knowledge and confidence in the principles of this global movement wherein we re-imagine a fashion industry that’s kind to people & the planet.

Today’s Style Challenge: Your Constantly Reworn Go-To Staple 

  • Today we focus on why HOW we shop and spend our money matters: When we continue to feed the fast-fashion industry, our dollars are often perpetuating harmful cycles where workers are treated poorly. 
  • Wear a staple in your wardrobe that you constantly reach for again and again.
  • Use this as a vehicle to talk about how we cast a vote for the kind of world we want with each dollar we spend.
  • Share the How You Shop Changes REAL Lives Legacy Podcast episode by Elisabeth and Gretchen.

For all your FRW info, click here: https://hopecentral.tradesofhope.com/promotion/frw-2023/

Not sure what to say? Let Founder Elisabeth be your voice today! Share this video as you continue to promote the Growth Gift Set for Mother’s Day and all your early May appreciation gifts – and let the meaning behind the designs take the spotlight! 

Fashion as a Force For Good