We’re almost at the end of #fashionrevolutionweek. Thank you for joining us on this journey EVERY DAY!

As you write your final #FRW posts, be sure to offer the opportunity for your now-educated audience to partner with you as a conduit for change. Remind them to use code FASHION10 to save $10 off either Join Collection when they purchase by 4/30. (You may want to even mention our normally $49 Mandala Collection has a retail value over $100, so they can be off to a great start for only $39 if they join this month! 

Today’s Style Challenge: Be An Outfit Repeater

Today we focus on how to slow down the fast-fashion industry. How can you take action today? 

  • Wear a piece you already wore earlier in the week as a vehicle to talk about how ANYONE can be a part of the fashion revolution, even without shopping.
  • Rewearing outfits helps slow down the fashion industry. It’s about progress, not perfection.

For all your FRW info, click here: https://hopecentral.tradesofhope.com/promotion/frw-2023/

Feel free to share this reel of Artisan partners in India:

“When we come together, you can bring a change. You can show your power.”  💪🏾💪🏽💪🏿💪🏼  You can make a GLOBAL IMPACT with just a few clicks on our website. By shopping designs you LOVE, you are creating more opportunities for women like Mosmeen around the world! 🌎 

We LOVE coming together with YOU and our Artisan Partners to create a more just, hopeful, and abundant world! 🫶🏼