Artisan partners like Raquel in Mexico have created two adorable new eco-friendly puppies, Pedro and Coco, who LOVE to help little ones get a better night’s sleep! 🥰🥱😴

We’ve paired these pups with two products by our friends at Jordan Essentials, who just happen to know a thing or two about keeping the scary monsters away! 🫣👹😮‍🤡😵🥲✋❎🌆🛌😮‍💨🥲🥱💤🥰 (psst! 🤫 the secret is lavender aromatherapy… 😊🥰😴 but the puppy definitely helps! 🫶)

Choose from the Pedro or Coco Sleepy-Time Set, each sold separately for $29.00. Available for all at 10:00am EST. Visit Hope Central for product info (including usage) and the downloadable graphic to be ready to share @ 10:

*Please note, each set and EVERY other purchase this weekend will donate through our Veteran’s Day giveback.